Our properties

Julius Tallberg Real Estate Corporation owns a total of 24
business properties, which it manages, rents and develops in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Get to know our properties

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Espoon Kappelikuja 6

Niittykumpu, Kappelitie 6, Espoo

An excellent location in the vicinity of the Niittykumpu metro station in Espoo. Leasable area of 8,012 m².

Espoon Karapellontie 11

Karamalmi, Karapellontie 11, Espoo

Comfortable, cooled business space next to the Kera train station in Espoo. Leasable area of 3,657 m².

Espoon Metsänpojankuja 3

Tapiola, Metsänpojankuja 3, Espoo

A spacious college campus in sound condition situated in Tapiola, close to the metro station. Leasable area 6800 htm²

Espoon Sinikalliontie 7

Sinikallio, Sinikalliontie 7, Espoo

Versatile and cooled business space at the junction of main roads at a competitive price. Leasable area of 4,925 m².

Espoon Sinimäentie 6

Sinimäki, Sinimäentie 6, Espoo

A versatile business space property in one of Espoo’s most significant speciality trade hubs. Leasable area of 20,973 m².

Espoon Suomalaistentie 7

Suomenoja, Suomalaistentie 7, Espoo

A spacious office property in a good condition located in Suomenoja with cooled business space. Leasable area of 5,808 m².

Helsingin Kivensilmänkuja 2

Myllypuro, Kivensilmänkuja 2, Helsinki

Light-filled business space in the centre of Myllypuro with great connections via metro and along Ring Road I. Leasable area of 2,883 m².

Helsingin Konalantie 47

Konala, Konalantie 47, Helsinki

Small-scale industry and office building situated in the Konala industrial area, next to Vihdintie highway. Leasable area 14 876 m2.

Helsingin Liukumäentie 15

Oulunkylä, Liukumäentie 15, Helsinki

A warehouse and logistics centre in an exceptional location in Helsinki. Leasable area of 23,646 m².

Helsingin Ristipellontie 21

Konala, Ristipellontie 21, Helsinki

A modern retail centre in a busy trading venue in Konala. Leasable area of 2,420 m².

Helsingin Rälssintie 10

Pukinmäki, Rälssintie 10, Helsinki

An office property located in Pukinmäki near Ring Road I. Leasable area of 2,449 m².

Helsingin Sirrikuja 1

Kontula, Sirrikuja 1, Helsinki

Adaptable office and warehouse spaces of different sizes in Kurkimäki near Ring Road I. Leasable area of 4,058 m².

Hyvinkään Hakakalliontie 13

Hakakallio, Hakakalliontie 13, Hyvinkää

A logistics and warehouse property in the Hakakallio industrial area. Leasable area 15.466 m2.

Keravan Alikeravantie 83

Myllykorpi, Alikeravantie 83, Kerava

A modern property designed for a maintenance and repair business in the Kerca logistics area. Leasable area of 4,314 m².

Lohjan Sauvonrinne 12

Sauvonrinne, Sauvonrinne 12, Lohja

A multifunction business space property with plenty of outdoor storage area in the stunning forest scenery of Lohja. Leasable area of 3,675 m².

Vantaan Kielotie 1-3

Tikkurila, Kielotie 1-3, Vantaa

Versatile and cooled business space in the centre of Tikkurila. Leasable area of 3,373 m².

Vantaan Petikontie 6

Petikko, Petikontie 6, Vantaa

A versatile and adaptable business property in the heart of Petikko. Leasable area of 5,681 m².

Vantaan Uutistie 3

Vantaankoski, Uutistie 3, Vantaa

A versatile and comfortable business property in Vantaankoski completed in 2019. Leasable area of 5,385 m².

Vantaan Äyritie 4

Veromies, Äyritie 4, Vantaa

A property in an excellent location in Aviapolis near the airport and Ring Road III in Vantaa. Leasable area of 9,317 m².

Vantaan Äyritie 6

Veromies, Äyritie 6, Vantaa

An unbuilt plot located in Aviapolis, Vantaa with approximately 24,000 m² of unused building rights.